See additional reviews on Google. If you’d like to leave feedback or just tell us about your new puppy you can submit a testimonial on Google and/or through the form below!
Russellville Jacks participating in Agility

Just wanted to send this photo of Tanq’s first title….
The titles aren’t the end all and be all for me, but, when you have a great little agility dog , he makes things much easier to acquire! Thank you for that, Jana! Onward and upward. I am thinking to trial on both sides of the border with Tanq and eventually Zuni. Have our first USDAA trial coming soon! Actually met a lady at the last trial that knew exactly what Tanq was and thought him a fine example of a Hunt Terrier, at that. Take care and talk to you
Mary Ann

Katie is from Our Very Popular Cross of Gopher/Katherine
As you can see from her picture, she is a beautiful dog with an intelligent expression. She is having puppies in mid October and I know she will make a great mother. Thanks for such a lovely dog.

Hi Jana,
Hope all is well with you! Here is some more pictures of Kodee at 12 weeks of age! He does love to sit up and beg! That is his favorite trick. He does it all the time when he wants something! Either a treat, a hug or to be picked up. He is so adorable. He goes for his 3rd set of shots tomorrow.
Ian Salandy

I truly appreciate the job that you have done breading these little generals. I enjoyed every moment of companionship with him. “Jack” gets along very well with other dogs and loves being around people, his energy and faithfulness come second to none, and his coat, built, and stride continue to rain in complements from everyone who lays eyes on him. Thank you, Thank you Jana…

Dear Jana!
It was really nice and pleasent finding you in my search for shorties Jacks. Since the first contact with you; you gave me all your support along the months I need to wait to get him! I’m very very happy and satisfied with this little precious boy I got from you. I just want to let you know it was really easy, nice and you were really flexible while dealing about getting my puppy; you were so helpful and understandable too. My little Teo is the earthquake of the group, He has a very strong personality and he has such a lovely face with that black patch around one of his eyes and part of his ear. The first day he was kind of shy and my other puppies bother him a lot but after a couple of days he was playing and brother fighting and running with my other two puppies and their mom, he is so special for me as he is the little one of my dogs and support a really long trip but when he arrived it seems that nothing happens, he was so happy that I took him out of his crate that start kissing me as saying THANK YOU.
Now he is sleeping all together with the other as if they were all brothers. Please wait a couple of days to post it in order I can get a photo of him with me to send you! Thanks a lot!!! Keep you update!
Connie & Wamo Mathewson
Hi Jana, just want to let you know that Patchy is now a UKC champion. Congratulations to her parents, Keatau & Kookye, wonderful, sweet, intelligent and loving little girl. She is also an AKC Canine Good Citizen. So that makes her CH RUSSELLVILLE PATCHY OF WEST AZ, CGC.
928-669-9647 or 866-99-jacks

I wanted to update you and my “little bundle of love”. I have had several people were Jack owners see her and thought she was beautiful. I was raving about her breeder. She is so sweet and just loves being handled and touched. She is still very mellow for a JR pup. Hope all is well with you and all the pups. Thank you again for bringing this wonderful little bundle of love into my life.

It was really nice and pleasent finding you in my search for shorties Jacks. Since the first contact with you; you gave me all your support along the months I need to wait to get him! I’m very very want to let you know it was really easy, nice and you were really flexible while dealing about getting my puppy; you were so helpful and understandable too.
My little Teo is the earthquake of the group, He has a very strong personality and he has such a lovely face with that black patch around one of his eyes and part of his ear. The first day he was kind of shy and my other puppies bother him a lot but after a couple of days he was playing and brother fighting and running with my other two puppies and their mom, he is so special for me as he is the little one of my dogs and support a really long trip but when he arrived it seems that nothing happens, he was so happy that I took him out of his crate that start kissing me as saying THANK YOU. Now he is sleeping all together with the other as if they were all brothers. Please wait a couple of days to post it in order I can get a photo of him with me to send you! Thanks a lot!!! Keep you update!

I wanted to thank you for helping me pick a puppy that has the perfect personality for my family. As you know, I knew nothing about the English Jack Russell Terrier breed, but with your patience and knowledge, I know much more now and know that I made the right choice. When I told people I was getting a Jack Russell Terrier, they said I shouldn’t, that they are wild, but your English Jack Russells are truly a breed that has been perfected in every way and especially with a gentler temperament, which was the most important aspect for me.
Seems a lot of people have not heard of the “English” Jack Russell Gopher. She is only 12 weeks old in this picture, but the most mellow and loving puppy and gentle with my precious grandchildren. She has the softest thick coat and I love her big bones and she just prances around with her head up high when I walk her. I will send you more pictures as she grows and hope to maybe get another puppy from you after Ms. Minnie gets a little older. I am really hooked now!!!!! 🙂
Lynn & Ken Boschert

Leo is growing fast. First, let me tell you how happy we are with Leo. He is a wonderful JRT. He and our Golden, Marcy are best of pals already. He bath and being dried with a towel and hairdryer; the beach; being left alone when he is sleeping, in our bed of course, but loves to cuddle; being dried off when he comes in from wet weather play. (He goes right to the towel rack); eating out of my hand; meeting new people and other dogs; chasing our cats but being kind of nice about it. (He actually just wants to play. They are all bigger than he is)! Thank you for everything! I would never hesitate to get another JRT from you or Judy. They are the best!
Thanks much,
J Deborah E Congemi
How are you? We are doing fabulously. I don’t think you can possibly comprehend how wonderful you are as a breeder. Beanie is the sweetest most affectionate little girl I have ever been around. Her new interest is jumping in the tub with or without you. If I start running the water, she immediately jumps in and starts swimming around. I can’t wait to put her in an actual pool this summer J She is an absolute joy to have around and we love her so much. I can’t wait for another one and I would not consider anyone but you. Thank you again for bringing her into my life
Just wanted to check in and let you know that our little boy “Ollie” fka training and is an excellent pupil Every morning I take him out to the bus stop so he can play with the neighborhood kids before we go on our walk. His potty training is going well and he can “sit” on command. Everywhere we go, someone is admiring our little Ollie.
Thanks again
The Necaise Family

He is quite an impressive little dog, and my quite an impressive little dog, and my boys just love him. He has quite a boys just love him. just loves our other dog Ava Claire (a mini schnauzer). He dog Ava Claire (a mini schnauzer). He is very protective of her. The funny is very protective of her. The funny thing is, whenever she gets a haircut (I clip her myself), he cries and waits in line until he gets his haircut too. Actually, the summer is so hot down here that I have gotten into the habit of clipping him to a smooth coat in the summer. I use a #10 blade with a 3/8 inch comb on it and go against the grain of the hair. You wouldn’t believe how great his coat looks when it is all slicked out.
Lori Zachwieja
The first picture is the day we met you half way named her Jasmyn Diva Zachwieja. She is a Diva. The second picture they have never seen such a small Jack Russell. I have had several people state that she is simply the prettiest Jack they have seen. She holds her paw up a lot like the picture of her dad does on your website. She is sooooooo sweet. She lives with two other dogs full time and one other part time. She istop dog of all these larger dogs. She is a spit fire always on the prowl looking for something to get into.
She follows me absolutely everywhere and is on my lap if I sit down. She is amazing. I tell everyone who will listen about you and your dogs. Thanks so very much for my perfect perfect little girl.

Hi Jana, We wanted to thank you for our new baby and how happy we are with him. He listens so well and loves his treats. We need to keep our girl called. I’m sure that will change but for now he’s great. Not sure who he is taking after in his looks but he is very cute and getting big. His temperament is unbelievable that most who meet say he cannot be a Jack Russell because he is too calm. He does have his moments with being excited at times like in the morning when he sees everyone but thats expected. The kids adore him and everyone fights who gets to hold Tucker first. He is so good with all of the kids and seems to be very happy. He is very special and cannot Thank you enough for guiding me in the right direction with him.
John Grozinski
Hey Jana,
I just wanted to let you know how our pup is doing. He has made Police Station and he struted around like he owned the place. The Officers all loved him and they want to make him the mascot. We have had over 50 inches of snow up here and he loves it. I just started walking him on a leash and he is doing well. You where right when you said that he would not replace my JRT Jake who passed away but that he would make us smile again….
Hi Jana,
Thank you so much for the pictures. I had been thinking her pups would be about ready. I can’t believe how much they look like Reagan. They are so adorable-don’t know because she is so sweet-well Reagan is the same. She is so good we don’t have to say it much thank goodness! We take her all over town and she never meets a stranger and she delights us every day.. She is up to 7 lbs. now and very healthy. We have been so happy with her.
Thank you so much!
Fiona Siobhan Davis

Thank you so much for taking care of me when I was very little. Now, I am the most behaved and most healthy little girl we have ever seen. thanks to you.
They also want me to add that for anyone looking for a quality breeder of JRT’s, no one better than you in the United States. They really mean that, because they did quite a bit of homework on the subject before we got me. When I am in public and my parents have to stop and answer a million questions about me, and where to get a dog like me, as if I am a movie star or something.
Well, thanks again Jana for being such a great First Mommy to all of us pups. Think of all the happy faces you have made ’round the world!
Dr. Jerry Gardner

Hi Jana, We just wanted to let you know how pleased with are with our pup. We have started taking her to training lessons and she is the star of the class. She has already aced the beginner’s class. The boys love her-as do we–and play ball with her everyday. We are so happy to have chosen you as our breeder.
Anne & Dave

Hi Jana,
I just love your website!! The pups and even the adults are all so beautiful!! I checked out your testimonial page…. I love all the nice things that everyone said about you!! Now it’s my turn!! Tell me what you think about what I wrote below! And when you post it with the picture of Turbo in the snow, please let me know so I can go look! Thanks SO much!
Jana has been such an incredible pleasure to work with! Last year when we were in search of a Jack Russell, we found Jana through the EJRTA association. In our initial contact with her, we just knew that we had found the right person to provide us with the highly anticipated addition to our family! She was always available to answer any questions we had and you could tell that she had a strong, personal connection with all her pups. She was so kind, courteous, responsive and helpful. When our pup was shipped last June, everything went so smoothly! She was available to answer any and all of our questions in those first few weeks. Now, our little Turbo is almost a year old and we have enjoyed him so immensely… and not to mention, he’s absolutely gorgeous! We have Jana to thank for putting us in touch with a beautiful, loving Jack Russell. Also, we have gained a friend as we still keep in touch regularly. We recommend Jana for anyone whose looking or a quality Jack Russell Terrier!
Tawnya Robinson
Hi Jana, thank you for your emails. I have been meaning to call you up to say “hey”. Hampton is the best little dog in the world, and he knows that I am his mama. One day I was doing the laundry in the garage, and I didn’t notice but he sure did a giant spider that was headed my way! It was torn to shreds, he got his FAVORITE treat which are grapes. He’ll do anything for one. I have seen Jack Russell’s in the neighborhood, but he is far the best looking guy. Thank you so much for him, he is truly loved and adored.
Liz Crawford

Hi Jana!!
This is Liz Crawford. I thought I would send you some pics of Dotty at around 8 months now. In case you don’t remember she is out of Trey and Pattye. She is so very special. She has the sweetest personality and follows me around everywhere. She really would prefer just hanging out with me. Her back ground must have some really loving JRT’s in it! I know you breed for personality as well and it shows. Dotty is a very tiny girl compared to Rocky. I will send a picture of them both so you can see. I know Trey had some cute little legs on him. But I think Dotty might look more like her mother? Pattye I think has the perfect ears and face. Anyways, I just wanted you to know how happy my husband and I are with her. I cannot say enough. I still look at your new puppies. I saw where Pattye and Trey had more babies. Gorgeous! All your puppies are. Thank you so much for making Dotty a part of our lives. We love her and she is sooooo spoiled!!
I guess you are getting ready for school to start back soon (if it hasn’t already). I just wanted tell you how much we love Cooper (his new name J)! He comes to work at our store everyday with me and stays in my office (or Julie’s office) all day. He visits with EVERYBODY that works here, he has a constant stream of visitors. One of his first visitors was an episcopal priest that LOVED him and blessed him. He (the priest) comes by to see Cooper every few days. He has some of the guys that come by and bring him treats and just love on him. When Justin (our son) left for Mississippi State, he begged to take him to school – Cooper has a fan club there! So the short of it is – we are just enjoying him so much! The girls (Sophie – Chloe) have adjusted well. Sophie, the older one, tolerates him, but he and Chloe are best friends – they play all morning before work and all evening after work. They are too cute together!!
I do have a question for you though. We have an ongoing discussion on how big we think Cooper will be. I remember seeing his parents, but I can’t remember what size they are (I have looked at the pictures too, but it’s hard to tell). I keep saying about 10 to 12” and around 14 lbs., Clay thinks he will be bigger than that. Just wondering for reference. Again one day, when Julie moves out, she says she is coming to get one of your pups. Keep doing what you are doing – your pups are awesome!!

Hey Lady!! I hope that all is going well with you and your family!!! Saw the two new pups – ADORABLE!!!! Just an update to tell you that our sweet Cooper should be the poster dog for the Hunt Terriers!! He still comes to work with us every day (he wouldn’t have it any other way!). He has everyone here wrapped around his little paw. He has a retired priest that comes by once a week to see him and MANY people that stop by, “Just to see Cooper”. I have given several people (2 just this week) your web address – they all want a Cooper dog, LOL!! I can’t thank you enough for letting me have the opportunity to have this little guy added to our family. As I type this, he is sitting in my lap with his head resting on my arm, just enjoying being here. Again, thanks for such a sweet, awesome little guy – we love him!!! Oh, by the way, as he is getting older, he is looking more and more like Gus – hair is starting to “blond” up.
Brad Davis
Hi Jana,
Just wanted to tell you how much we’re enjoying Dakota (now Rudy). He’s easily the smartest dog I’ve ever owned. He and Brody are enjoying playing and napping together. Our vet said he is the picture of health. Everyone that sees him wants to know where I got him and I gladly recommend Russellville Farms. If I can ever get him to hold still long enough, I’ll send you better pics.
Dear Jana,
5 years ago I received this precious little package sent all the way Shreveport La. She was sent with such love and care as a Christmas Gift from my husband. I had just lost my believed Betsy Buttons who was a rescued dog that my husband found in England and I had no heart to have another Pup. We named her Jingle Belle.. Jingle for Christmas and Belle because she is a true Southern Belle. I have had 9 Jack Russell’s over the years, all from England and all spectacular. Even one from Harrods. What was my husband thinking I thought. Reluctantly I picked her up out of the box and remembered what my husband had told you…find her a pup that loves to kiss and nurture. She was the most beautiful puppy I ever saw. Her proportions were perfect and her eyes were as bright as can be. She kissed me twice and fell asleep in my car as we rode the way home. I tell you this because 6 months to the day my beloved husband passed away. I was shattered and with great ease this little pup sensed the lose in me. She followed me everywhere. Jingle Belle left all her toys at my feet with love and encouragement. She even sat on his side of the sofa and at night I would find her nestling into my back just the Way Stevens did. She wakes me with gentle kisses and a nudge to go on. She is so so funny. When I was down she danced and cuddled and as the months passed she instructed me just how to throw that Frisbee so she could catch it and bring it back.
She is without a doubt the fastest of all my Jacks. Her ability to leap amazes everyone. I believe that she just wants to please because at night before she goes to sleep and assumes her spot in the bed she will come next to me with a smile in her eye and a gentle kiss on my check “It was a good Mom. It was a good Day”. I am blessed with this dog. My husband knew what to do when he was moving away from this earth and somehow He spotted your website and said “This is the place just find her a Puppie that loves to kiss”. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for this remarkable dog-person who embodies all that is perfect in a Jack Russell. Bless you for all your hard work. You raise the best of the best. Now I just get back to Jingle Its our dinner time.
Carolyn Bland

This is a winner! She visits a skilled nursing facility twice a week and she loves it. I could have sold her a hundred times! She is sweet and patient as the “old folks” love on her and talk to her. She makes every one smile and she thinks she is just as big as all of the big dogs who are very well trained service dogs.(She is by far the smallest in training).Her little legs are so tired when our visits are up as we walk a lot of long halls. I just thought you would want to know that you bred a winner! “Precious” Niki. Happy new year to you and yours.
Brad Davis
Rudy is coming along and looking good. Can’t brag enough on how intelligent he is and how well he listens. I couldn’t be happier.
Keely Mixon, PA-C
Jana, I had a cute picture of Kirby (Lexus) that I wanted to share with you! Between work and the holidays, I have not had much time to put together pictures for you! I plan on taking her pictures that she will need to be registered soon. She is a wonderful dog and is extremely intelligent! She keeps my other two on their toes constantly! She can already sit, lay down, roll over, shake with both feet, sit up, and most importantly wait! Thanks again for this wonderful pup!! I hope you and your family had a great holiday season!

Just an update on Trail. She is wonderful! She stays with me where ever I go even sleeping on my pillow or across my neck. Her temperament is so nice and she is still a Jack Russell. Chasing the other dogs and her ball. Meeting all the people and not afraid of anything. You did such a fabulous job raising her! She comes when you call, sits when she’s told and listens when you say no. Only one accident in the house and that was the first day when she had a little diarrhea. We got her some medicine from the vet, he thought it was just stress from the trip. I took a couple of pictures of her in the snow with her little coat on, she tried to take it off the first day. 🙂 I’ll get them to you as soon as I figure out how to down load them. She is such a pleasure, I can’t thank you enough!

Hey Mom,
It’s Sebastian, I have been with my new parents for one week and three days. My new parents attached a picture of me, after having me for one week. My new Dad said, “Sebastian, you are a good boy, your housebreaking is coming along great; you only soiled the house one time and your condo on the first day.” Congratulations!
Guest what! My new Dad bought me several toys but I like the little green ball the best. Every time Dad throws the ball, I bring it back to him. He said, “Sebastian, you have great retrieving instincts.”
My new Dad, Jim, in Houston, said to tell you, “Thanks, for what is going to be an excellent companion for many years.”
Thanks Mom Crawford, for placing me in a healthy, learning, and loving environment.
Have A Great Day!
Daisy… Russellville Farms
We have had a great experience thanks to Jana!
Honestly, we knew very little about the Jack Russell “Shorties” breed. We just knew what we had researched and how cool the breed looked. Just loved them at first sight. With that said, we needed additional assurances as this would be our “nearly six yr old’s” first puppy. From our first conversation with Jana, we felt she was straight forward and honest. She never tried to sell us on our eventual new family member “Daisy”. No sugar coating what so ever. So we set a date and we were all very excited to see Daisy for the first time. Before the big date, Jana was incredibly helpful by sending us more photos and videos of Daisy. When our well thought out plan to pick Daisy up fell apart at last minute, we asked if we could pick her up on the Sunday of the Memorial Day weekend. We felt it would be a huge inconvenience for Jana yet she was again professional and positive. We met her that day and we were treated with kindness and patience as she went through everything with us. Even gave us a towel for our long trip back home to NWA. The towel came in handy… LOL!
Thank you so much Jana…
Vince, Jing, and Maxx
Here is sweet Jack. We

Here is sweet Jack. We are so happy with him and we know he is with us as well! He has tons of energy and loves to play with the big dogs! Next month he will be one and cant wait to spend many more years with him! Everyone always compliments his look and temperament! We will definitely purchase another dog from Jana and recommend her to our friends!
Jasmyn Diva Zachwieja

Jasymn is now 14 years old and a beautiful pup inside and out. She is so sweet and so full of life. Jana did an amazing job with breeding her mom Dollie and her dad, Gopher both were tri-color and yet Jasmyn turned out to be a pale Lemon & White. She is perfect. Happy 14th Birthday Jasmyn. Thank-you Jana.

Picked up our 4th Russellville puppy this past weekend. We now have 2 chocolate Hunt Terrier females and 2 spotted females that were raised Russellville. I can’t say enough about how special these puppies are to me. Jana and Lauren have been amazing to work with and I really appreciate their attention to detail and honest opinions to all of my silly questions. More than anything I appreciate the friendships that I have with them both. Thank you Jana for another wonderful puppy.
Brilliant new pup in our home

Jana, was wonderful to deal with in purchasing our Black and Tan puppy. Our dog was born 8/4/21 and is just now 4 months old. What an incredibly intelligent puppy (and full of energy). She already is housebroken with no more accidents, knows her name (Rheu) and “come” “stay” “no teeth”-we say this if a tooth ever touches human skin and she is careful not to do it again “bedtime”-she goes right in her crate “sit” “lay down” “roll over” “sit pretty”. She is awesome on a leash wether walking or going for a run ( she is up to 2 miles running ). Rheu also knows about 10 different toys by name. We live in Michigan suburbs, but our daughter attends school in downtown Pittsburgh. Rheu behaves beautifully during the 4.5 hour car rides to visit. When walking in the crowded city we say “walk tight” and Rheu stays about 6” from our feet and has never been kicked or stepped on and has learned to do what we do without fear (totally trusts us). She rides elevators which our previous dog had to be carried into). She is crazy puppy during playtime, then obedient, fearless and confident when we say “behave”. Yes we work with her a lot, but my wife and I also work overlapping full time schedules.
Rheu is everything we expected and more. Obviously she comes from very good breeding. At 4 months she is almost 10 pounds and a devoted family member.
We are in love with our puppy. He’s the greatest guy. He’s potty trained. He’s everything we wanted in a puppy. We feel very blessed to have found such an excellent breeder.
Abigail from Americas and Templar

We brought this sweet little girl home, and she made herself right at home. She is a ball of energy and when she is ready to settle down she is a little snuggle bug. She is So very smart! Our veterinarian ( and entire staff LoL) here could not get enough of her said, “She is an A+.” We are so thankful for her, our beautiful Magnolia Mae.
Thank you Jana.
Lynette Higgs
Best Dog Ever

Dear Jana
We are in love with Bunny! She is 10moths old
and is beautiful, loving, and full of energy.
Bunny loves the beach, riding in the car and
going on boat rides. She is very healthy and is growing into
A wonderful dog with a great personality and great disposition.
You are raising some fantastic dogs who are finding exceptional homes and bringing their owners so much happiness and love. It is impossible to thank you for Bunny.